
How to win every cartoon caption competition ever

*Frank Chimero is a New York cartoonist and professional designer. He has just entered the New Yorker’s cartoon caption contest with an entry which works every single time*.

This genius new universal caption for the digital age is:

Hi, I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

And it…



It's the holy grail of cartoon captions.

Charles Lavoie, as The Atlantic observes, has been running a blog on the phenomenon of universal captions for years, using "Christ, What an Asshole!" for a range of New Yorker cartoons.

While "What a misunderstanding!" is also a popular universal entrant, we're most in awe of the newest addition to this noble cadre of captions. The best of luck to you, Frank.

H/T: The Atlantic

More:This is surely BBC News' most superfluous caption

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