Christopher Hooton
Aug 02, 2014

Film's move from big screens and theatres to tablets and duvets has made life a lot easier, cheaper and over-sized Sprite-free for cinephiles, but the experience of watching at home is less direct and immersive.
Now, thanks to the most idiotic and yet brilliant life hack yet, not even full scale apocalypse could disturb you as you plough through The Good Wife season 5, with just a smartphone and a cardboard box being utilised to make a home cinema for your head.
Here's how to do it:
1. Find a large cardboard box (preferably with a depth roughly equivalent to the distance at wish you hold your smartphone.
2. Cut off the lid.
3. Cut out room for your head (not so big that it lets a load of light in, but big enough for the cardboard not to cut into your neck).
4. Cut out of hole in the bottom the size of your phone.
5. Tape up a little support bracket for it.
6. Put your phone inside with the screen facing in.
7. Hold all my calls, John!
- Use tablet instead of smartphone
- Laugh overly loudly at any jokes for the full cinema experience
- Make a small hole to feed headphones through
- Tape a feed bag filled with snacks of your choice to the inside so you never have to leave your mini box fort ever
- Make some nice boxes for your knees so they don't feel left out
(via yukawanet)
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