
How many people have you indirectly slept with? Take the test

Picture: AndreyPopov/Getty iStock
Picture: AndreyPopov/Getty iStock

What’s your number? It’s always been a loaded question, but the answer may be greater than you imagine.

Dr Felix, a UK-based online doctor service has created a tool to help you calculate the number of people you have ‘indirectly’ slept with, based on the number of partners you have been with and the number of previous partners they have had, and so on.

The tool also describes your calculated risk of sexually transmitted infections, based on data from your local city.

To use the tool, simply input your location, your estimated number of partners, and your estimate of their number of prior partners:

Unnervingly, the number is described in the context of local area populations.

The exposure to partners and diseases was calculated using formulas and data from the World Health Organisation, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and other government data from the ONS.

While the formulas provide a location based estimate for likelihood of sexually transmitted infections, these should not be substituted as evidence ahead of symptoms.

If you think you may be at risk of a sexually transmitted infection, you can find your local NHS clinic services on their website’s location search.

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