
How much has the 'Hawk Tuah' girl made since going viral?

How much has the 'Hawk Tuah' girl made since going viral?
Hawk Tuah Girl Update: Virality Leads To Merch Sales, Rumors, and Remixes - Know Your Meme / VideoElephant

Hailey Welch, now famously known as the Hawk Tuah girl, has become an overnight sensation thanks to one small comment she made in a TikTok video.

For the blissfully unaware, YouTubers Tim & Dee TV were interviewing various partygoers on the street. In one of the videos, Welch and her friend were asked a string of random questions relating to relationships.

In one of the snippets, she responds to an NSFW question in a Southern accent: "Oh, you gotta give him that hawk tuah and spit on that thang! You get me?"

The clip exploded online since it was published on 11 June and birthed a host of memes and responses, with many trying to uncover her identity and succeeding.

Now, Welch has created her very own merch line – and it's proving popular among fans.

Welch teamed up with family-owned business Fathead Threads, to create caps with the phrase: "Hawk Tuah ’24."

They retail for $32.78 (£25.89) each, with signed versions going for $50 (£39.48).

Fathead Threads/Facebook

Owner Jason Poteete said the store has already sold a staggering 2,000 units, equating to around $65,000 (£51,329).

"Our largest orders are usually 100 hats, maybe 150-250 shirts. This is way out of the normal for us," he shared. "This is a small family-owned shop. We’re all hands on deck right now."

In regards to the original viral clip, Poteete added: "I just think the world needed a laugh, and she provided that."

Welch has even been praised by the likes of Joe Rogan, who called her "smart."

"I love moments like that, where one weird video, it’s so funny that the whole world sees," Rogan said. "Especially the way she says it. Like that lady, she’s not pretending. She’s not posing."

Speaking about her merch line, he added: "It is smart that she jumped right on it, because you gotta think it’s only been a few days."

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