
Groom discovers 'bride' to be a male scammer weeks after the wedding

Groom discovers 'bride' to be a male scammer weeks after the wedding

A groom made a shocking discovery weeks after getting married, learning that his "wife" was a male scammer seeking to steal his assets.

The Indonesian man, referred to as AK in the South China Morning Post, had been dating his partner Adinda Kanza for a year. The couple decided to get married with none of Kanza's family present and claims she "had no family left."

Following the ceremony, the couple moved in together – but AK had a few growing suspicions after Kanza withheld intimacy and blamed it on her menstrual cycle and feeling unwell. She also reportedly "refused" to speak to AK's family.

Kanza wore a traditional Muslim niqab and covered her body. AK simply saw it as a devotion to her faith, according to the outlet.

AK later discovered the truth after tracking down Kanza's family. The family of Kanza (who was later identified as ESH) had no idea their son was in a relationship, let alone married.

AK's new "wife" Kanza allegedly had a plan to steal his family's assets and is now part of an ongoing investigation.

Authorities stated that ESH "behaved like a woman" and had a "female-sounding voice."

"If you look at their wedding photos, Adinda looks exactly like a real woman," police added in a statement.

"He also has a gentle voice and tone, so there was no suspicion at all about him being a woman."

ESH is now said to have been arrested and facing fraud charges.

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