
Groom responds to 'getting cancelled' after spraying wife with champagne at their wedding

Groom responds to 'getting cancelled' after spraying wife with champagne at their wedding

A groom has left the internet divided after a viral video showed him spraying his new wife with a bottle of champagne at their wedding.

There is nothing like a wedding to get people on the internet talking. Whether it be the woman who wore her own wedding dress to a friend’s wedding, or the groom who interrupted his own wedding to reveal his wife’s stunning betrayal, weddings have the ability to split opinion and spark a whole host of conversation.

One man who has certainly done that is musician and car enthusiast Cole Hennessey, who went viral after a video from his wedding showed him spraying his new bride in the face with champagne.

In the video, Hennessey popped open the large bottle, while people filming could be heard shouting “look out for the cake” that was on a table in front of him.

The groom then shook the bottle and started to spray it into the air, before aiming it at his new wife, spraying her in the face. “No, not her,” people could be heard shouting as they watched on.

The original TikTok was shared on X/Twitter, where it went viral as people shared their opinions.

“She knows who she married lol,” one person argued.

Meanwhile, another said: “You can’t convince me that people who do stuff like this on big days don’t hate the person they do it to.”

Someone else said: “The location is top tier. However, if my husband decided to give me a champagne shower on my wedding day, he’d be in that lake.”

Another wrote: “Y’all care way too much about strangers’ relationships and then follow it up by projecting on social media lmfao.”

All the chatter seems to have got back to the happy couple, after Hennessey posted on his Instagram stories: “Day one of honeymoon: I’m getting cancelled on the internet for having fun with my wife.”


Whatever the thoughts of the internet, the couple appeared to be all smiles.

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