
Fans drag Gordon Ramsay’s burger creation as a ‘monstrosity’

Fans drag Gordon Ramsay’s burger creation as a ‘monstrosity’
Gordon Ramsay/Instagram

Gordon Ramsay shared a new burger recipe on Instagram on Friday, presumably because he tried the burger and was super excited about it.

But the extravagant burger, which features a caramelized onion bun, camembert, and apple butter, was met with less than joyous reception.

“Burger looks crap to be honest,” wrote the commenter loneclandestine just after the meal was posted.

Loyal fans are also pointing out that the burger breaks a cardinal rule made by the celebrity chef: it’s simply too big.

“I've seen you laugh at restaurants because of extreme large burgers that is impossible to give a bite and now you make this monstrosity,” wrote mediavillaadrian. “Pretty unfair.”

Gordon Ramsay/Instagram

Ramsay has made living criticizing food that creates more show than taste, often bringing hopeful chefs to tears with his assessments - even when the wannabe chefs in question are children. It’s likely that this history led to a few burger experts trying to take their own swing at his incredibly large and busy dish. 

Gordon Ramsay/Instagram

“That's not a burger, it's a softball sized meatloaf,” wrote patmcellen. “What's wrong with a simple patty, salt and pepper, thrown on the grill like dad used to make?”

One commenter, called adamknerr, was more to the point, simply writing “Wtf is this man.”

Ramsay has yet to respond to the complaints, leaving up the original caption, which still promises that the “Apple Butter Basted” meat is “the perfect #Burger recipe for the long weekend.”

With a whole extra day in that weekend, though, he might want to check his socials one more time before he takes off for the beachside grill. There’s still time to correct this, after all.

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