Matthew Champion
Aug 28, 2015

Ah, the old fake 'my loved one is a big fan' RT, that somehow still continues to reel in the big fish on Twitter.
Hulk Hogan is a serial victim, to such an extent that in the short existence of we have reported on him retweeting things he shouldn't have no less than five times, including pictures of Madeleine McCann, Josef Fritzl and Raoul Moat.
Donald Trump (why does this only affect the best of guys?) also infamously retweeted a picture of Fred and Rose West.
Today's incident is not really in this league, but the normally wily George Galloway nevertheless did RT a picture of Telegraph political sketch-writer Michael Deacon, who is, almost certainly, not voting for him for mayor.
At time of writing the RT is still in place. Maybe Mr Galloway is trolling us all...
Mr Deacon tell us he is, in fact, voting for Mr Galloway.
More: The woman taking on George Galloway is going viral, for good reason
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