Oregon Police have announced the capture of wanted four-legged criminal.
For months, a potbelly pig had been causing havoc on the street of the small city of Forest Grove.
Police said the pig had:
Allegedly been harassing residents in the Hawthorne neighbourhood of Forest Grove over the last several months.
The pig’s reign of terror went all the way back to November, when police were called to three pig-related incidents on three consecutive days, but were unable to apprehend the suspect. The Forest Grove Police Log for those days makes particularly wonderful reading:
17 November
Police looked for a little black pig reportedly running down 16th Avenue from Cedar. They were unable to find it.
18 November
A citizen reported a pig in the bushes near 17th Avenue, likely related to the call the previous day. Officers located the pig however it eluded capture.
19 November
Two more calls came in reporting the loose pig, one from an off-duty sheriff's sergeant. Officers again attempted to locate it without success.
The fugitive was even given the nickname ‘Piggy Smalls’, after the late New York rapper The Notorious B.I.G.
Picture: Bay Boy Records
But the Forest Grove Police Facebook page was happy to announce that Piggy Smalls has finally been brought to justice.
And as for his final fate?
Smalls will be released to the custody of an animal rescue outside the city.
HT: Oregon Live
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