
Shocking viral video of a wooden log stuck in a windscreen is giving people ‘Final Destination 2’ flashbacks

A wooden log smashed through the windscreen of a car above the steering wheel.

There are many things in the world which we don’t need reminding of, and the deadly pile-up caused by a log truck in the horror film Final Destination 2 is one of them.

Unfortunately, a video which has gone viral on Twitter has reminded us all of just that.

In the clip – originally from user Aaron Cox on TikTok - a single log can be seen poking inside the car through the windscreen, before the camera pans to show the log truck it belonged to.

Many people have since compared it to the 2003 movie, in which a woman experiences a premonition of the horrific accident which claims the lives of multiple people, and manages to cheat death – except death wants its own back.

The crash itself in the film is sparked by the chains snapping on a log truck, with a police officer the first to die after one of the logs smashes through his windscreen.

Looking at the responses, it appears as though several people didn’t want that image to pop back into their head again:

It is not known whether the driver of the vehicle – be it Cox or someone else – suffered any injuries as a result of the incident.

We can only hope life didn’t imitate art.

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