Jake Hall
Apr 19, 2018

Photo: iSTOCK / PeopleImages/ Twitter / @Anjalaaay
Asking someone out on a date can be terrifying.
It’s an art form in and of itself; anything too forward can come off as desperate or needy, whereas anything too casual can be off-putting.
But it’s not just the tone that’s important; as Twitter user @Anjalaaay recently highlighted, precision of language is also crucial.
Last week, she shared a screenshot of a WhatsApp exchange in which she asked:
Date tomorrow?
The recipient simply replied:
Date? It’s the 12th tomorrow.
Twitter quickly reacted, sharing the relatable exchange of what appeared to be a rejection far and wide.
Some waded in to suggest funny alternatives to her original messages, whereas she pointed out that screenshots of her previous dating fails have also gone viral, highlighting just how much the Internet loves an apparent fail.
However, the exchange was actually between Anjali and her boyfriend, a fact which she quickly pointed out. Despite the hilarious mishap, she got the date regardless.
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