
Eric Trump makes accidental confession about dad - and social media cracked up

Eric Trump makes accidental confession about dad - and social media cracked up
Donald Trump 'furious yet scared' FBI raided at Mar A Lago

Eric Trump seemed to have revealed a little more information than he intended to about how the White House was run under his dad.

Just one full day after the FBI searched Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home, Eric went on Fox News and claimed President Joe Biden must have given the action the stamp of approval.

And what was his reasoning? That's how it was when Trump was commander-in-chief.

"But this is the system. And make no mistake Jesse, I know the White House as well as anyone - I spent a lot of time there," Eric told Fox News' Jesse Watters.

"I know the system; this did not happen without Joe Biden's explicit approval. The White House approved of this."

Eric also noted that the Trump camp was unaware of the raid.

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"Mark my words Jesse; it will come out. I love - you see the press secretary out there today. We had no knowledge of this at all; give me a break," he said.

"A field office wouldn't take…they wouldn't think about doing this without the sign-off of the President of the United States."

Soon after that, he said that the FBI raided a famous home such as the White House and a wealthy person like his dad.

"This is raiding one of the most famous houses on planet Earth, one of the most famous people, probably the most famous person on planet Earth. Give me a break."

Many modern presidents have distanced themselves from Justice Department operations that have political connotations.

So, in this case, the White House noted that Biden heard about the search warrant the same way the rest of the nation did: from the media.

However, people on social media didn't hesitate to point out Eric's comments, which appeared to admit that wasn't the case for the Trumpian White House.

One person on Twitter wrote: "Partly thanks to Glasser and Baker, we know tons of things can happen without [the] president's approval. Like peaceful resolution to [the] Lafayette Square crisis. Thank goodness our officers are able to disobey illegal orders like Trump's."

"Every accusation is a confession," another added.

A third wrote: "So unintentionally telling. Ya see, gumbo, that's how it worked in the White House when ya dad, Cheeto Jaba, gurgled and slothed and lounged his way thru the place. This is not, in fact, how it works in a normal White House."

Check out other reactions below.

During the FBI raid, which Trump called a "witch hunt," is believed to be related to his already confirmed removal of records from the White House or the many active lawsuits there are against him.

"They are trying to stop the Republican Party and me once more. The lawlessness, political persecution, and Witch Hunt, must be exposed and stopped," Trump wrote.

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