
Duck cheers up dog who was depressed for two years after his best friend died

Picture: CBS News/YouTube Screengrab
Picture: CBS News/YouTube Screengrab

Do you like dogs? Do you like ducks? You'll love this story about a duck who befriended a sad dog.

Jacqui Litton, based in Corryton, Tennessee, has a dog named George.

George has been sad and mopey ever since his best friend, a Labrador called 'Blackie' died in 2014. On the anniversary of Blackie's death, a duck wandered onto the Litton's property. According to Litton, the duck seemed to be trying to comfort sad George.

Maybe this camaraderie explains why there are so many pubs called the 'Dog and Duck'.

In a post to Facebook, Litton explained more about George, Blackie and the duck.

They had been together for 12 years. George has been heart broken and has grieved with anxiety so bad that he has almost died twice. We have no idea where this duck came from but he sure does love George and since the duck has arrived George has not cried one time.

Just a little snuggle can make everything all better.

Here they are sharing George's bed. Looks a little bit uncomfortable for George.

Surely there's been plenty of good banter.

'So I told George to lay on the floor looking clinically depressed...He actually did it the absolute madman.'

Here's a video of the duck loyally following George around.

All this love and affection from the duck appears to have made George happier.

As for a name for the anonymous duck the family, who Litton says are Republicans, are apparently thinking of calling him...'Donald!'

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