In the midst of an endless news cycle centred on global pandemic guidelines and the future of democracy itself, it seems no one can resist a much needed break. Enter: a drunk squirrel vid.
A video posted on Twitter earlier this week, which now has nearly two million views, shows a squirrel guzzling down some pears which have seemingly fermented – turning them alcoholic.
The drunk squirrel was initially caught swaying on camera by Katy Morlok of Minnesota, who had put out an old pear from her fridge outside for local wildlife to eat. She saw one of the squirrels, who she called ‘Lil Red’, take a pear up a tree.
“It kind of dawned on me: ‘Oh no, those pears were so old, I bet they fermented,’” Morlok told local station Fox 9.
The wide-eyed tipsy squirrel can be seen slowly swaying backwards like any drunk mate you might see after one too many.
Social media found the creature exceedingly relatable; “me in the club bathroom calculating which shot should’ve been the last,” one person wrote. “My spirit animal,” another person said.
While some were concerned for the little guy, it turns out animals accidentally getting drunk is actually a relatively common occurence.
@i124nk8, who posted the video on Twitter, jokingly broke the situation down for us: “There are two types of squirrel: Some solve complicated puzzle assault courses for a nut, Others just get s***-faced.”
Relatable indeed.