
Drunk man breaks into family’s home and poos in their kettle, vomits on the floor and falls asleep on sofa

We’ve all gone too far on a night out and woken up with regrets.

But one man is likely suffering extreme beer fear after he broke into a family’s house, vomited on their kitchen floor and defecated in their kettle.

Posting on Facebook, an anonymous woman claimed she found the man in her house after accidentally forgetting to lock the door, The Daily Star reports.

She wrote: “At the weekend my husband left our conservatory door open after I’d gone to bed and he forgot to close it.

“Sunday morning 5am-ish my little girl goes downstairs to watch tv instead of waking us up but immediately comes back upstairs saying there’s a man downstairs talking to himself.

“I thought it was just her imagination, half asleep I told her to go back to bed and I go back to bed. Anyway, go down to make a cup of tea and make breakfast around 7. Turns out there IS a man talking to himself downstairs.”

“We quickly found out he had defecated inside our kettle as well as vomited in the kitchen, “ she added.

Commenting on the post, people were shocked at the antics.

One person said: “What’s life come to when you can’t even have a sh*t in a strangers kettle without everyone kicking off....”

Another said: “He definitely made the tea too brown.”

A third added: “Can we just take a moment to imagine if they had just come down and boiled the kettle - proper sh*t tea that.”

Someone, who claimed to be the person they mentioned in the post joked: “Sorry guys had the most mental bender of my life on the weekend. Still can’t see straight.”

This 2021 version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears is not for us.

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