
These army veterans disagree with Donald Trump - so he blocked them


A grassroots movement of veterans told Donald Trump he needs to oppose white supremacy and hate, in order to honour Heather Hayer, who was killed last weekend during the violent clashes in Charlottesville.

After the weekend's violence, Trump said he condemned the violence “on many sides".

Two days later, Trump added that,

Those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.

But some have accused him of too little too late.

Trump’s reaction to the veteran group, Vets Against Trump,was rather a simple one.

The President of the United States allegedly blocked the group - according to a tweet posted on their Twitter on 16 August.

The tweets that allegedly got the group blocked?

Mr Trump's account has blocked a number of American citizens in recent months. A number of blocked users have decided to seek legal action against the President, claiming that barring users is a violation of first amendment rights.

More: Donald Trump is losing bigly to Barack Obama on Twitter. Sad!

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