
General election: 23 of the best dogs and other pets at polling stations

There aren't too many traditions that the British people like to abide by on election day but few will disagree that seeing a lovable dog at a polling station will warm anyone's heart.

No matter who you are voting for, taking a dog or another pet along to your local polling station has become something of an obsession on social media thanks to the #dogsatpollingstations hashtag.

So without further ado, here are some of the best doggies that have already been to their polling station on this important election Thursday.

Even politician such as Sadiq Kahn, Ed Davey and yes, Boris Johnson have shown up with their dogs.

Let's not forget that it's not just dogs that are allowed at polling stations, all animals (within reason) are allowed.

We're not sure if #fossilsatpollingstations will take off but sure, why not?

More: Dog owners are happier than people with cats, research shows​

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