If we’ve said it once we’ve said it a trillion times: 'the sea is not a place for the faint hearted.'
Yeah, we hear you, it’s blue, it’s big it’s beautiful. But it’s also incredibly deep, with vast chunks that are still largely unexplored, full of odd creatures that make zero sense and well, frankly, it’s terrifying.
Like most things in life that are terrifying there is an abundance of people willing to explore it and spend their times paddling, diving in the abyss and splashing around. And these people, they see things, scary, unbelievable things.
In a recent Reddit thread, divers shared the scariest things they’ve seen underwater. From surprising skulls to near-death Orca experiences, it’s quite the read.
Here’s a selection of the best.
Let’s kick off with count_dynamo and the world’s most horrific freezer
I've done a number of dives, and the strangest thing I ever saw was a large deep freezer with a heavy industrial chain wrapped around multiple times with about 5 cinder blocks attached. It was very very rusted and the deep freezer itself had to have been about 30+ years old, probably more. This was about 90 feet deep just off Vancouver Island, Canada. The situation gave myself and the other divers the newbie jeebies. Logged the gps and depth coordinates and notified the police. We were able to find out what was inside, since one of the divers had friends with local police. 10 porcelain dolls...
Or username_redacted and the underwater spy…
When I was a kid swimming in the lake at summer camp, I dove underwater and I swear I saw someone in SCUBA gear hiding underneath the dock watching us. I told the lifeguard but he wasn't able to find anyone.
And let’s not forget the sharks, courtesy of liquidtacomeat and his pals
When living off the coast some buddies and I would take regular fishing trips out to the oil rigs. We would always have some lines out and a few would dive down and try to spear some mangrove snapper or cobia. Once while I and two others were diving down checking out the structure we decided we needed to move due to lack of life around the rig.. we all get back in the boat and as one of my buddies is reeling in a line we had a red snapper baited on.. an easily 8-10ft tiger shark starts chewing on it right behind the prop, so close I could have poked his eye out. The idea that massive animal was in the water so close to me and two of my friends but no one saw it is terrifying. I bet he was watching us the whole time.
And what’s scarier than sharks? A murder scene, as discovered by camberto5's old dive master
I had a dive master that told me once he was diving somewhere and found a full skeleton wearing diving gear with the air on the tank turned off pretty deep down. If I remember correctly they said they reported it to the police and it was found out the man's wife turned off his air while they were on a dive to murder him.
And then there’s ThePowerfulHorse who almost got eaten by an Orca. Free Will doesn’t seem so fun now does it?
I was working in Orkney, North of Scotland, on the fish farms. One time I swam down one of the bigger nets off Rousay and it was very dark, very overgrown, and I could see some weird shapes lying in the dead man's sock as I descended. There were a few more dead fish than usual, maybe a hundred or so, but underneath them were lying three dead seals. Big ones.
It was hard to make out because they were covered in fish but one of the seals had a big fucking chunk of it missing. And that's when I looked up and saw a four foot tear in the side of the net. Fuck that.
He goes on:
Turns out the seals had been killed by Orca and somehow got through the net in a panic. Orca are quite common up in Orkney and are the only animal we were told you HAD to get out the water for if seen.
Not supernatural or anything but I remember a significant shiver running down my spine that day.
And more sharks chaantayx, with their lifeless black eyes, like a doll's eyes
I once went diving in Port Elizabeth, South Africa where it is quite popular to see sharks. We begin diving and we are quite ar from the shore, there's a cool looking structure under us, we swim towards it to get a closer look and I just start getting this cold cold cold cold feeling running through my body, and that's when a shark appeared and I shat my body in fear.
And lets finish things off with K1ngNightmare47 and a bizarre collection of urns…
I do not dive often but I had gone to a lake with a couple of friends and we were all diving in different parts of the lake to look for others lost belongings. I was bringing up an ammo box I had found I looked over to a group of my friends at the dock and one was holding what looked like a small cloth bag so I didn't really bother walking over to check it out. Turns out it was a bag full of small urns with the same name on it. It really spooked us so we figured whoever put it there wants it there so we put them back and left almost immediately afterwards.
And that’s that. No more swimming for us.
HT Someecards
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