
Did Donald Trump actually wear his trousers backwards?

Did Donald Trump actually wear his trousers backwards?
Getty Images

Former President Donald Trump isn’t having the best run of late.

He’s a one-term president holed up in Florida amid mounting investigations, and even the magic touch that made him a must-read/hate-read online appears to have left him, after he shuttered his ‘From The Desk of Donald Trump’ blog due to lack of interest.

But perhaps nothing shows quite how far he’s fallen in the mind of the public than the fact that claims he’d turned up to a key Republican event with his trousers on back-to-front took hold.

A video of Trump was circulating on the internet over the weekend that claimed to show him wearing his pants backwards at the North Carolina GOP convention. It was one of his first public appearances by Trump since leaving the White House.

Tabloid outlets such as TMZ posted zoomed-in videos of the former president’s crotch area - something we never asked for - as the theory became so popular that #TrumpPants was trending on Twitter.

Naturally, people didn’t hesitate to poke fun at Trump’s alleged outfit malfunction.

Take a look at what some had to say:

Amid the continuous mocking, many are still wondering the following: Did Trump actually wear his pants backwards?

While the thought is hilarious, we’re here to disappoint.

The fact-checking site Snopes confirmed that the photos and videos taken at the 2021 Republican gathering in Greenville, North Carolina, on June 5 were genuine, but a zipper could be seen on the front of his pants if you look closely.

As a result, they rated the claim as false.

Additionally, a CSPAN video of the speech also shows Trump wearing pants the correct way.

So why did his pants give the illusion that they were on backwards? It all seems to stem from the weird bulge that appeared up front, but that’s most likely just the body shape of a clearly overweight businessman.

In 2017, two members of Trump’s inner circle, former White House communications director Hope Hicks and former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, were reported to occasionally use a steamer to take wrinkles out of the president’s pants while he was still wearing them. That’s really going the extra mile.

Now that the backwards pants theory has been debunked, it means that Trump claiming he is still the “real president” and that the 2020 election was “stolen” from him is now the most embarrassing thing he did on Saturday. Phew.

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