
Danny Dyer's voiceovers are what the James Bond franchise has been waiting for all these years

"I'll 'ave 'alf a lager. But don't shake it or stir it. F**k that."
"I'll 'ave 'alf a lager. But don't shake it or stir it. F**k that."

While typecast as the "byword for low-budget, no-quality Brit-trash cinema", Danny Dyer likes to point out that he can also do serious roles.

After being mocked by film critic Mark Kermode, who impersonated the Londoner with a high-pitched mockney accent, Dyer not only threatened to headbutt him "straight to the f---ing nose", but was also at pains to point out that he's "done Pinter and stuff like that".

In a further bid to boost his reputation as an actor of note, Dyer posted videos of himself voicing over scenes from James Bond to tie in with the release of Spectre on Twitter.

Just in case Daniel Craig really is thinking of stepping aside...

The name's Dyer, Danny Dyer

There's no doubting he's a smooth mover

And that, er, he has a certain way with women...

In fact, he's "double f---in' nawty"

National. Treasure.

More: Danny Dyer saw Jose Mourinho on Saturday and did the most Danny Dyer thing ever

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