Your honeymoon should be a holiday of a lifetime.
A week or two away as newlyweds, after the the happiest day of your life.
Don’t you wish it could last forever?
This couple are trying to make that a reality.
Mike and Anne Howard were married in 2011, and have been on honeymoon ever since. Despite having both gotten promotions at work and buying a house together, they decided to travel while they’re young.
Mike told The Washington Post:
We thought, you know, waiting till we are 65 and retired to follow our dreams seemed like a really risky plan. Let’s get out there and travel while we are young and healthy.
They’ve visited over 50 countries, from Hungary to Myanmar, and Indonesia to Mexico.
How do they afford it?
Mike and Anne set themselves a budget of just £31 day, keeping costs down.
They have since reduce that figure to just £20.
They are also funding themselves through their travel blog Honey Trek.
Mike added:
We aren’t trying to live as cheaply as possible; we are trying to live as large as possible. Keeping those costs down keeps us from being beholden to nine-to-five jobs.
It's alright for some!
More: A map of countries the US government thinks it is safe to go on holiday