
When CNN wanted a panel discussion on Isis, it turned to the only people it could trust

When CNN wanted a panel discussion on Isis, it turned to the only people it could trust

Remember when CNN suggested Isis was using Nutella and kittens to recruit Western women? This is even more embarrassing.

CNN's all-male panel to end all other all-male panels was spotted by friend of the site Felicity Morse, who suggested it might just be a glitch in the matrix.

The discussion was part of a special report on what America can do to combat the threat of Isis, hosted by Wolf Blitzer on Tuesday evening.

Here's that line-up of the counter-terrorism experts in full, representing all known shades of grey:

More: CNN offers its unique perspective on how Isis recruit women

More: [Fox News turns to the one expert it can trust on the Middle East]5

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