A maintenance worker shared a selfie-stick video from over 1,000 feet in the air, documenting his view from the Chrysler Building’s spire.
If you’re afraid of heights, this probably isn’t the video for you.
A Manhattan maintenance worker shared a selfie-stick video from over 1,000 feet in the air, documenting his view from the Chrysler Building’s spire. The spire in itself is 185 feet long, bringing the building’s total height to 1,048 feet— and this brave soul is truly just chilling upon it, taking a video of himself — and the idyllic view — with people below looking like ants.
The shocking clip, titled “Just some casual maintenance on the Chrysler building,” was initially shared on subreddit r/nextf***inglevel (or in this case, next hundreds of levels), and was posted just 19 hours ago — but has already been upvoted over 10,700 times. Fun fact: If each upvote equaled an inch, the post would still be 215 feet shorter than the height from which this man is filming.
Reddit viewers are baffled by the content, to say the least. “I’m not constipated anymore,” one wrote upon seeing the footage.
“Couldn’t pay me enough to do that job,” said another. “Even if I was offered a $100/second, I couldn’t,” a third concurred.
“Does he have a parachute?” one concerned citizen queried. Apparently, he does not. “Even better: He’s got a helmet,” another explained, likely sarcastically. “At that height, in a fall ,the helmet is wearing him for protection,” a third observed.
“Don’t forget that skyscrapers move. Like a lot. That spire could be swaying about 2 feet every few seconds,” one viewer noted, to which another replied, “Also that building is over 90 years old.” A joker then quipped, “it’s ok they gave it viagra.” We would laugh if it wasn’t so cary.
You know, we were wondering where to get the best views of the fireworks for the Fourth of July…