Joe Vesey-Byrne
Jan 16, 2017
curlysnow0915/YouTube Screengrab
Dogs get a reputation for being stupid, because they're loyal and usually kind, as opposed to cats whose stupidity is mistaken for indifference and intelligence.
Or maybe that's what they want us to think.
One feline has revealed his superior intellect.
In an amazing video that has been watched almost 900,000 times on Instagram, "Snow" the cat demonstrates his eligibility for the office of Lord High Cat Ruler of Earth.
The video, which is a compilation of Snow completing a series of increasingly difficult concentration puzzles, was originally posted by curlsnow0915, but was picked up by Cats_of_Instagram.
Snow is already something of a celebrity with a YouTube channel; and a slew of costumes.
Forgive them Snow, they do not know what they do.
Smart and sassy, what else could you want?
More: 'Saddest cat in the world' that nobody wanted has been adopted - and look how great he looks now
More: The countries with the biggest cat obsessions in the world
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