Joe Vesey-Byrne
Dec 28, 2016

Cinnabon, a sort of giant cinnamon swirl cake, tweeted a 'tribute' to the actor Carrie Fisher following news of her death. People weren't impressed.
Fisher, who died 27 December 2016, has been memorialised in a number of ways.
A fan community that developed before the age of the internet has received renewed vigour thanks to the interconnected world we now live in.
Cinnabon's tribute on Twitter didn't go down too well.
A cached version of the tweet, since deleted, shows an elaborate pattern made of Cinnabon ingredients; creating a vision of Fisher's most famous movie character.
The company used a Cinnabon to replicate the swirl hair design of Princess Leia.
Picture: Cinnabon/Twitter
It was retweeted 345 times and liked by 605 people before being taken down.
Cinnabon quickly apologised after receiving a hostile reaction to the image and its caption.
Actually rather beautifully done. Shame.
Not so much the art itself but an appearance of a marketing strategy piggy backing onto the death of a person...
The best response to the Cinnabon apology came from Adrian Crawford.
Well played sir.
The beautiful image was not crassly created to mark Carrie Fisher's death.
In fact it was a recycling of a previous post created for May 4th 2016 (the unofficial "Star Wars Day" celebrated by fans).
indy100 has contacted Cinnabon for comment.
HT USA Today
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More: This poster of people the world has lost in 2016 is just heartbreaking​
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