Indy100 Staff
Jan 02, 2016

The internet has been sharing an optical illusion, which hides faces among the branches of a tree.
Facebook users began sharing the tree illusion, which has has risen and fallen in internet popularity for years, in the early hours of New Year's Day.
Some have suggested that the illusion was drawn in the 1880's by an unnamed illustrator for Harper's Illustrated, but its origin has not been confirmed.
As captioned, it is supposed to show the national leaders of a country within the negative space between branches.
The country in question is unknown, but many have suggested that it is India, due to the perceived presence of an elderly Gandhi, whereas others claim they can spot Mikhael Gorbachev and Margaret Thatcher in the image - all of these claims would somewhat destroy the 'Harpers publication in 1880' theory.
Regardless, it's a fun little game - how many faces can you see? We made out 10 - some said 11, but let's go with a round number.
Can you spot them all below?
Scroll down to see the answers:
If you do know the origin of the image, please let us know.
HT Mirror
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