
Can you spot where the gherkin is 'lurking' in this barbecue puzzle?

Picture: Deliveroo/Sally-Ann Heron
Picture: Deliveroo/Sally-Ann Heron

Yes, it's a 'Spot the' puzzle.

This time it's a burgers and barbecue theme.

You're looking for a gherkin that looks roughly like this:

Here is the puzzle in which it is hidden:

Picture: Deliveroo/Sally-Ann Heron

The illustrator, Sally-Ann Heron, said:

I kept forgetting where it was myself, while I was drawing it.

I was really hungry by the time I’d finished it.

See if you can find it!

Scroll down for the answer:

Here it is:

Picture: Deliveroo/Sally-Ann Heron, edited by indy100

We hope you enjoyed this.

The puzzle was released by the on demand restaurant delivery service Deliveroo in response to the overwhelming online demand for this kind of arresting graphic.

Created by you, dear reader.

HT London Economic

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