
Terrifying moment angry bull jumps fence into crowd of spectators at rodeo

The terrifying moment a bull charged head first towards a rodeo audience and almost jumped the fence into the crowd has been captured on camera.

The shockingly close call took place in Preston, Idaho at That Famous Preston Night Rodeo competition.

Spectators at the event watched on as the bull, who had bucked its rider off, was running loose in the arena.

The angry animal continued to run around the arena, before it made a bee-line for a section of spectators, one of whom happened to be filming as events unfolded.

Footage was captured by Robert Hugo, who was an unfortunate audience member in the line of target of the bull.

In the clip posted on Facebook, cowboys in the arena can be seen trying to lasso the animal before it charged directly towards the audience and Hugo.

Horns first, the 2,000-pound animal (over 142 stones) attempted to jump over the safety barrier between it and the audience, which appeared to be made of wood and rope.

As the animal made the jump the audience realised they could be in danger and scattered to avoid the huge animal causing any injuries.

Thankfully, the bull was unable to make it over the fence and ended up safely back in the arena.

On Facebook, Hugo wrote: “Here is a close up of what we saw at the Preston Rodeo Grounds tonight.  A LITTLE TOO CLOSE!!”

Following the incident, Hugo told The Independent: “It all happened so fast. I just remember thinking. I have to get out of the way!

“I was relieved that no one including the bull was hurt. The rodeo staff clowns and Preston City were great! They immediately got everything settled down and checked with everyone to make sure everyone was OK.”

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