
Cassetteboy's has just dropped a Boris Johnson mash-up video and it's literally perfect

With the general election now just a week away, all parties are ramping up their efforts to try and convince the British public to vote for them.

Speeches and videos will be made across the country, especially by Boris Johnson, whose message of 'Get Brexit Done' has become the most annoying slogan since 'leave means leave.'

By now you're more than familiar with the Johnson speech, so as an alternative, we would encourage you to watch the latest video from Cassetteboy, the comedy video mash-up artist who has become something of an expert is satirising Johnson.

Previous efforts have seen Cassetteboy splice together moments from Johnson's speeches to make it appear that he is saying something altogether different.

However, this time he has set Johnson's heavily edited speech to the sounds of Can't Touch This by the one and only MC Hammer and, in our humble opinion, it's pretty darn hilarious.

We can't possibly reiterate everything that is said in the video but we do enjoy the alternative MC Hammer lyrics of:

Can't trust me


Stop, stammer time!

Needless to say people are already loving it.

More: 16 terrifying Boris Johnson quotes everyone should read before they vote​

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