
This compilation of Boris Johnson being heckled by the public shows just how unpopular he is

Boris Johnson's first few months as prime minister hasn't been the easiest as he has already lost a record number of votes and has been haemorrhaging Tory MPs left, right and centre.

Surely the public would be a bit kinder and sympathetic to the PM, after all, he seems to be one of only a few MPs who actually want Brexit to happen?

Well, judging by recent weeks, he's even more unpopular on the streets than he is in parliament. Seemingly every time Johnson has ventured into the outside world he has been heckled by members of the public.

There was the woman who chastised him about austerity in Doncaster and the man from Morley, who politely told him to 'please, leave my town.'

If only there was a way to watch all of these moments in one place, to enjoy whenever you wanted?

Well, now you can thanks to the Twitter user Matt Thomas who has put together a great compilation of nearly every time Johnson has felt the wrath of the public during the past number of years.

The compilation has since gone viral and even appeared in the comments from an actual Boris Johnson tweet on Friday.

Needless to say, people love it.

More: Boris Johnson compared himself to the Hulk, a destructive monster who struggles to make friends

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