Narjas Zatat
Dec 20, 2016

Finally, a book in defence of Donald Trump.
Author, ‘David King’ wrote a book called Why Donald Trump deserves trust, respect and admiration, because he felt that it was needed in the wake of the Republican candidate's sweeping victory.
(A video, which features exclusive extracts from the book, is available at the end of this article).
Speaking to indy100, he said:
The [contents of the book] is a perfect reflection of the title.
King, a self-professed ‘Obama fan’, believes that Trump’s victory is not good for the world. In fact, King found it completely ludicrous that the Republican won, calling it “quite hard to believe”.
The book, which is available on Amazon, has caused quite the reaction.
One reviewer, who gave the book five stars, wrote:
Very comprehensive book. The best even. It goes in depth on Trump's many accomplishments and will clarify his positions to even the most nasty liberal women. I suggest getting several of these for stocking stuffers and definitely for the upcoming Secret Santa gift at work. Everyone will thank you bigly.
Another reviewer celebrated the book’s short, to-the-point sentences…
Just amazing. Short sentences. But still good ones. And plus many of the short sentences are repeated. Amazing. You'll see. I'm telling you, it will open your eyes folks. Open your eyes. And so many won't want to read it. Because they can't handle it. Puny people. Puny. But when you do read it. I'm telling you. It will open your eyes. Trust me. Amazing, amazing book.
Not everyone was happy with it however, and one angry reviewer gave the book just one star:
Bought this book as a Christmas present for my brother, it's blank, a complete joke and politically offensive. TRUMP FANS DON'T BUY.
And what would King say if he ever met the President-elect in the street?
Prove me wrong.
Here's an exclusive extract of the book:

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