Chrissy Teigen recently made a food discovery that millions of British people are wishing they could relive again.
Famously a fan of low-fuss cooking in her own work as a foodie, it appears Chrissy came across the recipe for a good old fashioned jacket potato on the BBC Good Food website and entered completely unknown territory. Bemused by the experience, she delighted in sharing her discovery with her 13.7 million followers this weekend.
Chrissy even included comparison pictures featuring her own attempt at the beloved dish. Her topping of choice? Tuna, mayo, and a little sprinkling of grated cheese.
What’s the deal here? How has it taken so long for Americans to catch on to this culinary heaven?
America is no stranger to potato products of all kinds, but tend to refer to the dish simply as baked potatoes. It’s also uncommon in the US to eat them as your main meal - they’re much more a side dish across the Atlantic.
Chrissy’s British followers were both enthused and confused by her discovery.
This came as news to much of her US following too - singer Mahalia seemed to have also been none the wiser.
People are now worried about the sanctity of this dish, given scars from the past.
Some Brits couldn’t fathom that, given what the rest of the world is required to know about American culture, they had lived in darkness for so long. The same thing happened last year with kettles.
Though Chrissy was totally complimentary about the meal, someone pointed out that Americans often do the reverse when it comes to meals stemming from working-class diets in Britain. Like beans on toast, for example.
As a consequence of thinking this is a brand new discovery, people start demanding things like this...
Like almost every US vs. UK moment on Twitter, things descended into politics way beyond food.
We can’t wait until they find out about creme eggs.