
Amazon to pay you $10 if you’ll let the company scan your palm

Amazon has introduced a new incentive for customers who opt to pay by palm. The company will pay $10 in store credit to those who enrol in their Amazon One program – the move away from paying for goods with physical credit cards and using your hand instead.

Amazon announced the initiative in 2019 after their New York offices served as a trial run; they implemented several vending machines that used biometric tech to buy snacks and drinks, according to sources.

Last September, the new Amazon One payment initiative reached Seattle stores – and now the advanced tech has been rolled out to six Amazon stores across New York, along with 47 others across the country.

According to Amazon One, the feature “uses the information embedded in your palm to create a unique palm signature that it can read each and every time you use it.”

They urge shoppers that the tech is safe to use in-store as “Your palm consists of multiple layers of distinguishing features”, which makes it the “most convenient choice for your Amazon One ID.”

The Amazon One device allows customers to pay by palmAmazon

“Amazon One is capable of recognizing your palm in seconds, and with no need to touch anything once you’ve enrolled, it really couldn’t be easier.”

“You never know which palm will be free when you need it, which is why you can sign up both of them, making it twice as easy to self-identify and pay,” they added.

The company points out that you can privatise your palm while shopping: “Your palm is a personal part of you and you alone decide when to hover it, and when to keep it private.”

Amazon One locations can be found here.

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