
This teen perfectly trolled someone who complained girls online like American football 'to look cool'

iStock / FilippoBacci; Twitter / @whosalexander

Pro tip: If you're going to unfairly judge people on the internet, make sure you're fairly safe from criticism yourself.

On the internet, such a lethal combination is only going to end one way.

When a Twitter user complained about girls liking football "just to look cool", he thankfully got his comeuppance - and in the best way.

Alexander Romero, 19, was scrolling through Twitter when he spotted the tweet. He explained to BuzzFeed News:

I saw his dumb tweet and laughed about it, because I've seen people brag about knowing football, when in reality, they don't know as much as they say they do.

Twenty minutes later, the user tweeted about the "crazy" Superbowl game - and Romero took this opportunity, laying down the oldest bait in the book.

In a plot twist worthy of any epic, the user replied:

As anyone who doesn't like Superbowl just to look cool will know, Gary Coleman is not a American footballer.

He is actually a late American actor, best known for his role as Arnold Jackson in Different Strokes.

Picture:Picture: Getty Images / Dan Callister / Stringer

No one could believe it actually worked.

Including Romero.

This person gets it.

HT BuzzFeed News

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