
An enterprising fox decided to beat the London rush hour by hopping on the bus

An enterprising fox decided to beat the London rush hour by hopping on the bus

Whether it used an oyster card or a contactless credit card is not yet known, but a fox used a double-decker bus for a short trip around South London on Monday morning.

Picture: Andrew Woodcock/PA

It was seen alighting on the Number 12 bus at Elephant & Castle on its way to Oxford Circus.

The animal’s possible shopping spree was put on hold after the driver was alerted to its presence and shooed it off near the Imperial War Museum.

Picture: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Commuter Andrew Woodcock tweeted a picture of the fox on the bus’s top deck saying: “That stuff about urban foxes adapting to city life is clearly nonsense.”

“This one didn't even have his Oyster card.”

According to Mr Woodcock, before being coaxed off the Number 12, the vermin made a “liquid offering” on the top step.

We can only guess whether this gesture was territorial or an instinctive reaction towards Transport for London (TfL) services and pricing structure.

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