Indy100 Staff
Oct 24, 2015

Vaughan, pictured right with former BNP leader Nick Griffin, says he will no longer be eating from Greggs.
A British National Party splinter group called ‘British Voice’ has written a bizarre rant to the CEO of Greggs demanding the company remove halal meat from its products.
The best part, though, is that according to Greggs' website, the bakery chain doesn't actually offer a halal range anyway.
In the open letter, leader of the organisation, Martin Vaughan, claims that no Muslims eat at Greggs anyway, so selling halal is pointless:
I cannot for the life of me, understand why your company should pander to Islam. None of your customers are Muslims. You were and I stress were a totally British and Local Company, serving the needs of your LOCAL customers here in the North East and beyond.
The CEO Greggs bakery.I write to you with the most utter disgust. It has come to my attention that you now serve Halal...
Posted by Martin Vaughan on Thursday, 22 October 2015
Using suppliers who provide halal meat, the Muslim practice by which the animal is slaughtered by draining all the blood from its body by cutting its throat, is pretty common in the UK's restaurant industry.
Greggs' website says that some of their chicken comes from halal suppliers, but not all, so they cannot label poultry products as such. The company also stresses that their use of meat complies with all British animal welfare standards. has contacted Greggs for comment.
But in the meantime a message that was given to Britain First supporters last week seems appropriate for British Voice, too:
HT: Hope Not Hate
More:Britain First's anti-mosque rally in Burton-on-Trent backfired in a brilliantly British way
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