
8 things people think will happen in 2021

You don’t need us to tell you that 2020 has been a bleak and challenging year for everyone. 

Covid-19 changed everyone’s lives and virtually every aspect of everyday life. When we weren’t concerned about that there wildfires in Australia, racism rearing its ugly head once again,  a world war almost breaking out and we haven’t even mentioned the politics yet. 

Although there have been some highlights and things to be thankful for, we can all say that we will glad to see the back of 2020. Although no one can see the future we can at least predict what we hope of think will happen in 2021.

We’ll actually start with someone who claims to see the future. Baba Vanga is a blind mystic known as the ‘Nostradamus of the Balkans’ who is said to have predicted things like 9/11. For 2021, she has reportedly predicted that both the US and Russian president will be in some sort of unspecified ‘danger,’ a ‘strong dragon’ will somehow grip humanity and that cancer will be cured. Not really the vibe we were after Baba as only one of those things sounds good. 

Speaking of the actual Nostradamus, the New York Post reports that he foresaw things like zombies, an asteroid and a famine for 2021 all of which sound terrible. It should be pointed out that Nostradamus is usually very vague with what he said and many of his predictions almost never come true. 

This isn’t sounding great to be honest. Can we find better news elsewhere?

The movies don’t give us much hope for prosperity either. As Yahoo reports films like A Quiet Place, A Friend For the End of the World and It’s All About Love don’t predict a happy 12 months for humanity in their films which are all set in 2021. Thankfully 2012’s Long Shot does predict that Charlize Theron could become the US president which is extremely unlikely but something to potentially look forward to nonetheless. 

Things actually look a bit brighter if we look at the words of notable figures and celebrities. Speaking to The Big Issue, Green Party MP Caroline Lucas hopes “That we use the Covid crisis to reset the way our economy and society is run, turning our back on a system which wasn’t working for millions of people.”

Also speaking to The Big Issue, comedian Eddie Izzard added that she would like to see people helping others and “to see us start heading towards that rather than this wave of simplistic politicians pulling back, retrenching and going back to the 1930s.”

Fortunately there is more positivity to be found on Twitter where former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang, predicts the introduction of ranked-choice voting and cash relief in the US and the emergence of a third party to break the hold that the Democrats and the Republicans have over the system.

ABC news presenter Mary Gearin wisely chose not to make any predictions which is probably the wisest prediction we’ve heard so far.

Of course, 2021 like every other year is impossible to predict but hopefully, in 12 months' time everyone will have been vaccinated and Covid-19 will be a thing of the past. Until then there are things like the inauguration of Joe Biden, Oscars, Euro 2020 (or is it 2021) and the Tokyo Olympics for football fans, finding out what Brexit will actually be like

Like many people, we just hope that 2021 is significantly better than 2020. It’s the least we can ask for. 

Happy New Year everyone!

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