
18 general election leaflet mistakes that will make you fear for democracy

18 general election leaflet mistakes that will make you fear for democracy

You'd think that having a general election every five years would mean candidates would have more than enough time to ensure their election leaflets were free from mistakes...

Here's a collection of the worst errors we found in literature for the 2015 election:

1. It's important to be able to spell your own name

Leaflets for Sam Stopplecamp added an extra P.


One Ukip leaflet in Somerset had so many spelling mistakes an English teacher named Suzy decided to get out her red pen and mark it. She told the Mirror:

There is no shame in finding spelling, grammar and punctuation difficult. Some of my nearest and dearest have 'issues'. However, if candidates in Frome either do not recognise their weaknesses, or are too slapdash and careless to get them proofread, that does not bode well for running anything. I teach children who speak English as an Additional Language, and some of them could teach [candidate Derek] Tanswell a thing or two!

Bizarrely, the Ukip councillor later claimed the leaflet was a dirty trick by his Lib Dem rivals.

3. Lightning struck twice in Frome

4. A Lib Dem candidate calling for English language tests misspelt the word as "langusge"

5. A worrying pledge from the Lib Dems

6. Vote for change, vote for Name Surname

The candidate, Samir Jassal, blamed the error on the printing company, saying he was "not sure how that reflects on a serious campaign".

7. Ah, the curse of placeholder text

8. We don't think 123456789 is their real contact number...

9. Oh dear...

10. It's important to know where you are standing

She's standing actually standing in Hackney South and Shoreditch.

11. And to remember the date of the general election

12. This might have been an exercise in free writing from Ukip

13. Try reading the first paragraph without taking a breath

14. Wait, what's that about Nick Clegg?

15. Hashtag data

16. Always a good sign when you are scribbling out libellous comments on your own leaflets

17. Or apologising for the ones that did get through

18. Finally, this isn't really a mistake, just plain weird

More: 13 election posters the Tories would prefer you forgot about

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