Indy100 Staff
May 21, 2016
What does the taste of salt have in common with why we sleep?
They are both concepts that everyone understands but are almost impossible to explain, according to a recent brain-bending Reddit thread.
Read on for more examples of things that you know you know, but you know you wouldn't be able to explain.
What a color looks like. Imagine explaining the colour purple to a blind person. Everyone knows purple but its hard to explain.
Via Rizenshine
That Nickelback has sold 50 million albums.
Via despairepair
The taste of water
Via Lonelyartist99
The definition of the word "the".
Via Khool_aid
Moving. You can wave your arm around but can you explain how you are doing it?
Via X88B88Dude
Terms and Conditions agreements
Via Juiceboxhero
Donald Trump
Via Kevincore
Via Workpuppy
Via KayJay25
The nod. Everyone knows it, and it'll come up in everyday situations. But it means a lot of different things to different people, but no one can explain where it came from or who taught them the nod
Via Newosan
The voice inside your head as you read this
Via rugbymad104
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