
11 moments of perfect nominative determinism

11 moments of perfect nominative determinism

Nominative determinism, for those unfamiliar, is the concept that a person’s name can be a defining factor in their life, pushing them towards their occupation or where they choose to live.

This phenomenon is thought to occur due to a trait known as implicit egotism.

This is, essentially, when people think positively about things associated with their name.

It’s deeply satisfying when examples of nominative determinism occur, and sometimes hilarious.

1. This headline on a Dairy company’s new UK boss

2. A recent Imgur image nailed the concept with this

The caption for the spokesman for Iraq’s Ministry of Interior and Joint Operations Command read:

His entire life has been leading up to this screen capture

3. The surname of Ann and Frank, who helped found the British Tarantula society

Ann wrote the following book:

4. This lieutenant of a Wiconsin fire department

(Photo: Channel 3000)

5. The surname of this New York Times reporter

6. The website of this ex-Formula 1 driver

7. The surname of this Channel Four horseracing presenter

8. USSR European champion 400m hurdler Marina Stepanova

(Photo: George Herringshaw)

9. The name of this (second) Republican candidate

10. This author who is perhaps the most fitting expert, ever

11. Lastly, the website of this determined urologist from Austin, named 'Dick'

What a wonderful world.

More:What your name says about you

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