College student receives $250,000 after 'WAP' lyrics expulsion threat cardi bwapuniversitytennesseepayoutcardi bFeb 03, 2025
The rapper’s new hair sparked outrage amongst conservatives cardi billuminatichristiansconservativesright-wingben shapirowapcardi bJun 12, 2023
Leslie Jordan fans are remembering the first time he listened to WAP leslie jordanleslie jordanwapcelebritiesdeathviralOct 25, 2022
Cardi B has perfect response to critics of her ‘WAP’ performance cardi bfox newsgrammyswapcardi bMar 16, 2021
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson is furious about Cardi B’s WAP performance fox newsmegan thee stallioncandace owenstucker carlsoncardi bgrammy awardswapfox newsMar 16, 2021
Snoop Dogg criticised for comments on Cardi B’s ‘WAP’ snoop doggmegan thee stallioncardi bwapsnoop doggDec 14, 2020
MP accidentally plays ‘WAP’ on full volume standing next to two Tories nadia whittomecardi baitchmpswapnadia whittomeDec 03, 2020
Video of Thanksgiving dishes as WAP lyrics even got Cardi B’s approval cardi btiktokmegan thee stallionthanksgivingwapcardi bNov 28, 2020
There’s a Disney version of Cardi B’s ‘WAP’ and it's childhood-ruining cardi bmegan thee stalliondisney+wapcardi bSep 27, 2020
GTA 6 LIVE: Rockstar 'planning' for user-generated content gta 6rockstar gamesgrand theft autovideo gamesgamestake-twogta 623h1739962071
Emotional TikTok tributes flood in for the anglerfish and her last moments anglerfishtiktoktributestenerifeoceanfishtheoriestiktok trendanglerfishFeb 14, 2025
Kanye now 'realises he's not a Nazi' after declaring love for Hitler kanye westantisemitismantisemiticnazixtwitterhitlerkanye west20m
I was a nail-biter for 25 years - this is what stopped me for good beautynailsmanicurehealthmental healthbeautyJan 30, 2025