Ukip spokesperson Calvin Robinson to leave UK, calvin robinsongb newsukipmigrantslaurence foxright-wingcalvin robinsonAug 30, 2024
Speculation rife as Nigel Farage teases ‘election announcement’ nigel faragereform ukgeneral election 2024ukippress conferenceelectionnigel farageJun 03, 2024
How many times has Nigel Farage appeared on Question Time? Nigel Faragequestion timebbcfiona brucereform ukukippoliticsnewsNigel FarageMay 30, 2024
Josie Gibson makes Brexit joke at Nigel Farage on I'm A Celeb i'm a celebritynigel faragei'm a celebi'm a celebrity..get me out of herepoliticianukipi'm a celebrityNov 20, 2023
Nigel Farage has already escaped I'm a Celebrity Bushtucker trials I'm A Celebrity..Get Me Out Of Herenigel faragebushtucker trialukipi'm a celebrity..get me out of hereI'm A Celebrity..Get Me Out Of HereNov 19, 2023
A former Ukip leader just got shut down by his own brother ukipNHSdiversityhenry boltonukipMay 13, 2023
Nigel Farage gets tricked into promoting Led By Donkeys led by donkeysled by donkeysnigel farageukippoliticianspoliticsApr 06, 2023
Right-wingers are moaning about the RNLI doing their job again neil hamiltongb newsukipRNLIrnlilifeboatfaragenigel farageasylum seekersasylumasylum seekerrefugeesRefugeeboatsboatenglish channelneil hamiltonFeb 12, 2023
13 of the most bizarre quotes from Trump’s GB News chat with Farage donald trumpwhite housegb newsukipnigel faragedonald trumpDec 01, 2021
Andrew Neil lays into GB News, describing it as a ‘UKIP tribute band’ andrew neilbroadcastergb newssky newsukipandrew neilNov 18, 2021
Farage was duped into saying another pro-IRA on Cameo nigel faragebrexiteeriraukipcameobrightonnigel farageOct 20, 2021
A look back on the (many) leaders of UKIP as Neil Hamilton bags job ukipnigel faragegerard battentommy robinsonrichard braineneil hamiltonpat mountainukipOct 19, 2021
Nigel Farage has joined GB News - the funniest reactions nigel faragekneebrexitgb newsukipnigel farageJul 17, 2021
Farage tricked into saying rude joke name in Cameo birthday message nigel farageworldukipbrexit partynigel farageApr 13, 2021
People can’t believe UKIP’s London Mayoral candidate is called Gammons ukipsadiq khanlondonpat mountainukipMar 22, 2021
Brexiteer deletes Twitter after saying no one cares about Covid-19 brexit partyukipcoronavirusbrexit partyMar 24, 2020
The leader of Ukip might have just given the worst interview ever ukipgeneral electionukipDec 02, 2019
Raab said that we don't have a 'Nigel Farage little England vision' brexit partydominic raabtoriesukipgeneral electionnigel faragebrexit partyNov 26, 2019
UKIP founder accused of 'eating unicorns for breakfast' by Remainer brexitlbcukiplatestbrexitOct 06, 2019
Dr Gammons has joined Ukip and no one can believe it's real brexit partyukipnigel faragebrexit partySep 30, 2019
7 tweets from Ukip Leader Richard Braine that have aged terribly richard braineukiprichard braineAug 17, 2019
Ukip's leader is called Richard Braine and there are a lot of jokes richard braineukiprichard braineAug 11, 2019
UKIP Wales leader condemned for tweeting meme mocking Greta Thunberg climate changeneil hamiltongreta thunbergukipclimate changeJul 26, 2019
Anti-Brexit UKIP voter gets tattoo of Farage getting milkshaked tattoo failstattoobrexitnigel farageukipremainlatesttattoo failsJul 04, 2019
Carl Benjamin claims 'comedy is under attack' in car crash interview carl benjamineu electionsukipvictoria derbyshirelatestcarl benjaminMay 16, 2019
UKIP candidate gets milkshaked while campaigning in Devon carl benjamineuropean electionsukipcarl benjaminMay 14, 2019
Edit of car-crash Farage interview shows how populists game the media alt-rightandrew marrbrexitnigel faragebrexit partyukiplatestalt-rightMay 13, 2019
Carl Benjamin almost had a milkshake thrown over him while campaigning eu electionsukiplatesteu electionsMay 10, 2019
Jess Phillips 'accosted by man defending Ukip candidate's rape 'joke' ukipsexual assaultjess phillipsrapeukipMay 08, 2019
Carl Benjamin is talking about raping Jess Phillips again carl benjaminukiplatestcarl benjaminMay 04, 2019
A Ukip candidate has announced she's sexually attracted to gorillas general election 2017ukipgeneral election 2017Apr 23, 2017
Ukip pledge a full face veil ban. Here's all the countries that do it burkapaul nuttallukipveilburkaApr 23, 2017
Everything inside Meghan Markle’s $170,000 wardrobe for Netflix show fashionnetflixmeghan markletv showroyal familyshoppingprince harryfashionMar 05, 20251741184903
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Emotional TikTok tributes flood in for the anglerfish and her last moments anglerfishtiktoktributestenerifeoceanfishtheoriestiktok trendanglerfishFeb 14, 2025
Trump's claim about the EU shows how little he knows about history donald trumpeuropean uniondonald trumpFeb 27, 2025
I was a nail-biter for 25 years - this is what stopped me for good beautynailsmanicurehealthmental healthbeautyJan 30, 2025