Inspiring graduate was first in her family to go to school after fleeing Taliban AfghanistanAfghanistanBristolEducationpersecutionReligionTalibanUniversity of Bristolwomen's rightsJan 22, 2025
Coming to Scotland is ‘paradise’ for female medical student from Afghanistan AfghanistanAfghanistanEducationpoliticsScotlandSt Andrews UniversityTalibanUniversityAug 20, 2024
Lord Miles is now hanging out with Andrew Tate after Taliban release lord miles 3 andrew tatetalibanafghanistanrumblelord milesOct 16, 2023
Lord Miles account claims YouTuber captured by Taliban is alive talibanyoutuberafghanistantalibanOct 05, 2023
Tory MP forced to apologise for 'Taliban propaganda' video tobias ellwoodafghanistantalibantobias ellwoodJul 20, 2023
Taliban declare YouTuber Lord Miles a 'missing person' in Afghanistan talibanafghanistantalibanlord milesyoutubeMar 17, 2023
Things now illegal for women in Afghanistan under the Taliban afghanistan 1 afghanistantalibanwomens rightshuman rightsafghanistan warTikTokMar 13, 2023
Prince Harry's rowback on Taliban killings is dividing the internet prince harry 2 talibanlate late showprince harryJan 11, 2023
Prince Harry should stand trial over Afghan killings, Taliban say prince harryharryharry and meghanRoyal familyroyal familyroyalsRoyalroyalDuke of SussexspareAfghanistanafghanistanafghanafghansafghanistan warArmyarmyMilitarymilitarymilitary servicetalibanprince harryJan 09, 2023
People theorize why Prince Harry revealed he killed 25 people in Afghanistan prince harrytalibannovelprince harryJan 05, 2023
People theorize why Prince Harry revealed he killed 25 Taliban fighters prince harrytalibannovelprince harryJan 05, 2023
Afghan woman banned from university wishes 'God never created women' afghanistan 1 afghanistantalibanuniversitynewsDec 29, 2022
Taliban ban university for women despite promising modernised approach talibanuniveristyafghanistantalibanDec 21, 2022
Taliban wants to ban TikTok and PUBG game for 'promoting violence' tiktokviraltalibanafghanistan'schooltiktokSep 21, 2022
Man claiming to be son of DeLorean inventor to make new model for Taliban deloreandeloreantalibanback to the futurecourtAug 25, 2022
Piers Morgan to interview Taliban spokesman and everyone made the same joke piers morgantalibanpiers morganMay 10, 2022
Afghan girls cry upon learning they can't to go to school after all afghanistantalibaneducationafghanistanMar 23, 2022
Even the Taliban thinks Putin has gone too far with Ukraine invasion ukrainerussiatalibanputinukraineFeb 25, 2022
Afghan interpreter ‘happiest parent’ as son starts school in UK pa readykabultalibanafghanbritish armyenglishpa readyOct 14, 2021
Pen Farthing tells of relief as Nowzad staff settle in UK afghanistankabulpentagontalibanforeign officeafghanistanOct 11, 2021
Afghanistan girls’ football squad ‘will be relocated to UK shortly’ afghanistankabulpakistantalibanboris johnsongovernmentafghanistanOct 11, 2021
Charity volunteer ‘moved’ as son meets Afghan refugee baby in UK pa readyafghanskabularcherbritish armywalestalibanafghanbridgendpa readySep 26, 2021
‘Relief’ for campaigner after meeting family she helped flee Afghanistan pa readydevelopmentafghanistanafghansliz trussuk governmentministry of defencekabulbritish armytalibancommonwealthbridgendpa readySep 23, 2021
How 9/11 and the last 20 years have shaped Afghanistan’s history talibanafghanistanosama bin laden911 victimstalibanSep 11, 2021
Afghanistan veteran ‘brought to tears’ by support for refugees pa readyafghanistanafghanschichesterbritishtalibanhampshirebritish red crossarabiciraqpa readySep 07, 2021
Public’s ‘positive’ response to Afghan refugees impresses UK charities pa readyeritreaafghanschristianwalsallel salvadorpeopleuk governmentcharitiestalibanenglishafghanpa readySep 01, 2021
No, the Taliban didn’t hang an interpreter from a helicopter talibanafghanistanblack hawkrepublicanstwitterfake newstalibanSep 01, 2021
Trump wants media to report on his ‘great Taliban agreement’ donald trumpafghanistanmediatalibancnnhurricane idamsnbcdonald trumpAug 31, 2021
Ghostly photo captures moment last US soldier left Afghanistan afghanistanjoe bidenusnatokabultalibanseptember 11antony blinkenpentagonafghanistanAug 31, 2021
How can I help Afghanistan? Charities and causes to donate to afghanistangovernmentcharitieskabulairporttalibanrefugeesashraf ghaniafghanistanAug 27, 2021
Ex-CIA chief criticises congressmen for taking ‘trip’ to Afghanistan kabulafghanistanciajoe bidentalibannancy pelosikabulAug 25, 2021
Afghan families thankful for donations from local community pa readyfacebookgovernmentjewishjalalabadtalibanliberal democratafghanhertfordshirepa readyAug 23, 2021
The full list of accusations facing Dominic Raab over Afghan crisis dominic raabafghanistantalibanboris johnsonforeign secretarydominic raabAug 22, 2021
Peter Hitchens slammed for ‘comparing’ left wing Brits with Taliban peter hitchensafghantalibandaily mailbritspeter hitchensAug 22, 2021
#DigitalDunkirk: Veterans unite on social media to help evacuate Afghans pa readyoneafghansroyal marinesbritishfrancekabulcnnnew yorktalibanapachedunkirkveteransitalianpa readyAug 21, 2021
Rory Stewart praised as his Afghanistan war analysis goes viral rory stewartafghanistantalibantroopsusrory stewartAug 21, 2021
Afghanistan: Surge in offers from Britons to host refugees in their homes pa readyrefugees at homeafghanistanjewslgbtq+sudanhanukkahuk governmentarsenalbritishkabulegyptamericaneritreatalibansomaliabritonslondonnigerianorthamptonshirepakistanpa readyAug 20, 2021
T-shirt mocking people who died fleeing Afghanistan horrifies internet afghanistankabult-shirtaircraftetsytalibanafghanistanAug 20, 2021
12 of the best memes on Dominic Raab making a phone call dominic raabafghanistanangela raynerboris johnsonkabullabourtalibancretelisa nandyforeign secretarydominic raabAug 20, 2021
Influencer hails ‘good’ in people after raising millions of dollars for Afghans pa readysocial mediaafghansinstagramindiacovidkabulnew yorktalibaninfluencerplanned parenthoodafghangofundmepa readyAug 20, 2021
Gym chain says response to video of Taliban exercising was “an error” talibanspin classpuregymmilitantstalibanAug 19, 2021
Trump Jr appears to side with Taliban over Facebook censorship row zabihullah mujahidtalibandonald trump jrfacebookfreedom of speechzabihullah mujahidAug 19, 2021
Family believe Afghan who plunged to death from plane was their son afghankabulplanetalibanafghanAug 19, 2021
Clip of baby passed across airport crowd spotlights Afghan desperation talibanafghanistanafghanusben wallacetalibanAug 19, 2021
Hillary Clinton's 7-word response to Trump admin group chat scandal hillary clinton 1 donald trumpsignaltrump administrationmike waltzjd vancehillary clinton11h1742896318
GTA 6 LIVE: Trailer 2 release date hiding in plain sight 'all along' gta 6rockstar gamesgrand theft autovideo gamesgamestake-twogta 65 days ago1742458049
Why was Musk playing with forks at a White House dinner? Elon Muskwhite housekaroline leavittdonald trumpautismasperger's syndromenewselon muskElon MuskMar 23, 2025
Donald Trump and Conor McGregor's White House meeting explained donald trump 1 conor mcgregoroval officewhite housedonald trumpMar 18, 2025
Donald Trump voter 'concerned' for wife after she was detained by ICE donald trump 2 immigrationdeportationdonald trumpMar 20, 2025
I was a nail-biter for 25 years - this is what stopped me for good beauty 2 nailsmanicurehealthmental healthbeautyJan 30, 2025