Marjorie Taylor Greene doesn't know what the FBI boss' job is marjorie taylor greenefbisenateus politicsrepublicanmarjorie taylor greeneNov 16, 2023
A Senator challenged a union boss to a fight during a senate hearing senatemarkwayne mullinsean o'brienunionhearingbernie sanderssenateusNov 15, 2023
Mitch McConnell escorted off stage after freezing mid-press conference mitch mcconnellmitch mconnellrepublicansenateus politicsmitch mcconnellJul 27, 2023
What to expect from the US government's historic UFO hearing ufosaliensuapsenatecongressextraterrestrial lifeconspiracy theoriesufosJul 26, 2023
Moment Fox News host genuinely appears to suggest Santa is real fox newsfox newssenatesenatormarco rubiosantachinaspy balloonus newsFeb 10, 2023
The Taylor Swift Ticketmaster fiasco explained taylor swiftticketmastersenateconcerttaylor swiftusJan 25, 2023
8 furious reactions to Kyrsten Sinema ditching Democrats to krysten sinemademocratsindependentrepublicansenatekrysten sinemaDec 09, 2022
Herschel Walker's exes are celebrating after his defeat in Georgia herschel walkerraphael warnockgeorgiasenateherschel walkerDec 07, 2022
The song playing at Herschel Walker's party when he lost was ironic herschel walkersenateusgeorgiaraphael warnockherschel walkerDec 07, 2022
Herschel Walker accidentally calls the election the 'erection' republicansrepublicansted cruzherschel walkergeorgiasenateus politicsNov 24, 2022
This star sign is most-likely to be a Republican politician republicanhouse of representativessenateastrologyrepublicanOct 23, 2022
GOP senators ask Republicans to vote on where to send migrants next republicansenateron desantismigrantsrepublicanSep 23, 2022
Trump endorses 'Eric' for state senate where three candidates have that name donald trumpussenatemissourieric greitensdonald trumpAug 02, 2022
Jon Stewart furiously calls out Republicans who refused to pass a veteran bill jon stewartcapitolchuck schumerjoe manchinrepublicansdemocratssenatejon stewartusJul 28, 2022
Republican compares babies to turtles and tacos in pro-life dig abortion rightsabortion rightsturtleabortionnewsus newssenateJul 15, 2022
Republicans march out of Senate chamber after Jackson is confirmed supreme courtrepublicanssenatesupreme courtApr 07, 2022
Alabama Senate candidate burns Confederate flag in latest campaign ad alabamasenateconfederate flagburningalabamaFeb 10, 2022
Senate candidate Gary Chambers smokes marijuana in campaign ad us politicssenatecandidatecampaignvideomarijuanaus politicsJan 20, 2022
Kyrsten Sinema mocked for wearing a denim vest while in the Senate kyrsten sinemasenateiron maidendemocratkyrsten sinemaOct 27, 2021
Rep suing Nancy Pelosi over mask mandates tested positive for Covid nancy pelosimarjorie taylor greenerep. ralph normansenatemasksouth carolinarepublicannancy pelosiAug 06, 2021
Texas public schools are not required to teach about the Ku Klux Klan republicansenatesusan b anthonyku klux klanschoolsmartin luther king jrtexasrepublicanJul 20, 2021
Dr. Fauci shut down Rand Paul at Senate Hearing — and Twitter loved it rand paulsenatecovidanthony faucitwittercongressrand paulJul 20, 2021
Man infamous for waving gun at BLM protestors running for state senate mark mccloskeyblmsenatemissourimark mccloskeyMay 19, 2021
Walter Mondale sent touching note to staff hours before his death walter mondalesenatejimmy carterartistwalter mondaleApr 20, 2021
Rachel Levine makes history as 1st trans official confirmed by Senate senaterand paullisa murkowskipennsylvaniajoe bidendemocratsrepublicansenateMar 25, 2021
A complete timeline of Trump’s bizarre new feud with Mitch McConnell mitch mcconnelldonald trumpfeudsenaterepublicanmitch mcconnellFeb 17, 2021
Trump releases statement ranting furiously about Mitch McConnell mitch mcconnellsenatefeudtrumpcongressmitch mcconnellFeb 17, 2021
Trump’s lawyer accused of ‘stealing Senate coasters’ presidentdonald trumpsenateconnecticutpresidentFeb 16, 2021
SNL highlights just how ‘dumb’ Trump’s impeachment trial was presidentsaturday night livecolin jostsenaterepublicansdonald trumpweekend updatedemocratspresidentFeb 14, 2021
Fox News host dissects Trump’s impeachment defense in two minutes donald trumpwhite housesenatepoliticianshostlawyermobpresidentrepublicanfox newsdonald trumpFeb 13, 2021
Trump’s lawyer made this bizarre comment during the impeachment trial trumpsenatetrump impeachment 2021impeachment trialusatrumpFeb 10, 2021
These Republicans weren’t impressed by Trump’s impeachment defence donald trumpsenatetrump impeachment 2021republicansimpeachment trialusdonald trumpFeb 10, 2021
Six the most bizarre things that happened atTrump’s impeachment trial donald trumpsenatepresidentcapitolimpeachmentdonald trumpFeb 10, 2021
CNN host tears apart every Republican argument against impeachment donald trumpincitementofficesenatecrimesimpeachmentdoubtcnnpresidentrepublicanhistorydonald trumpJan 28, 2021
Historian scathingly summed up Trump’s presidency in just one word donald trumpincitementjoe bidenconvictionriotsenaterepublicansrecordwashington dcpresidencydonald trumpJan 26, 2021
The new Senate president has a history of cameos in Batman movies patrick leahykamala harrisvermontnamesenateoscarthe batmanjoe bidendc comicspatrick leahyJan 24, 2021
Republicans who have condemned Wednesday’s violence in Washington DC republicanscapitolelection resultssenateviolencedonald trumpworld leaderswashington dcpresidentrepublicansJan 07, 2021
What was said at the Trump rally before the violence in Washington trumpbuildingcapitolpeoplesenatelaw enforcementwashington dcamericapresident-electtrumpJan 07, 2021
Everything you need to know about the Georgia senate results georgiasenatejon ossoffkelly loefflermitch mcconnellgeorgiaJan 06, 2021
Trump's '51st state' comment mocked in 'legendary' Canada ad mark carneydonald trumpcanadamike myersnewsamericamark carneyMar 23, 20251742730152
GTA 6 LIVE: Trailer 2 release date hiding in plain sight 'all along' gta 6rockstar gamesgrand theft autovideo gamesgamestake-twogta 6Mar 20, 20251742458049
Andrew Tate hits out at Ashley Walters over Adolescence in fiery post andrew tateandrew tatenetflixadolescencetelevisionMar 21, 2025
Donald Trump and Conor McGregor's White House meeting explained donald trumpconor mcgregoroval officewhite housedonald trumpMar 18, 2025
Donald Trump voter 'concerned' for wife after she was detained by ICE donald trumpimmigrationdeportationdonald trumpMar 20, 2025
I was a nail-biter for 25 years - this is what stopped me for good beautynailsmanicurehealthmental healthbeautyJan 30, 2025