Woman loses her job after xenophobic train rant goes viral xenophobiarantnew yorknew jerseyredditxenophobiaOct 05, 2023
Springwatch presenter wants Jeremy Clarkson jailed for Markle rant jeremy clarksonmeghan marklerantsprinwatchchris packhamjeremy clarksonDec 20, 2022
Alex Jones claims he sells more books than Harry Potter in on-air rant alex jonesj.k. rowlingrantsandy hookharry potterinfowarslouder with crowderalex jonesSep 14, 2022
Star Wars' Mark Hamill mocks Ben Shapiro’s ‘lesbians on the moon’ anger mark hamilben shapiroranttwitterartemis 1usmark hamilSep 01, 2022
Piers Morgan hits out at 'trans trojans' in new show piers morganpiers morgantalktvrantnewstv showApr 26, 2022
McDonald’s customer rants at worker at drive-thru in shocking video mcdonald'scustomeremployeeredditworkerrantmcdonald'sOct 11, 2021
Chet Hanks slammed for telling people to ‘get over’ Covid in wild rant chet hanksranttom hankscoronavirustwittercovidchet hanksAug 11, 2021
Woman captures moment colleagues overhear her ranting to pals on Zoom womancolleaguestiktokworkrealityrantjobco-workerswomanJul 21, 2021
Trump ‘demanded a criminal investigation into SNL comedians’ donald trumpfake newsrantsnlcomedianssaturday night livejustice departmentalec baldwinpresidentdonald trumpJun 23, 2021
Grimes causes confusion with bizarre rant about communism and AI grimeselon muskcommunismpeopleaiargumentjapaneserantartificial intelligencegrimesJun 03, 2021
Vanessa Hudgens’ infamous Covid rant is a year old vanessa hudgensrantinstagram liveworld health organisationcovidvanessa hudgensMar 17, 2021
Candace Owens calls Meghan Markle ‘leftist narcissist’ on Fox News candace owenspiers morganmeghan marklesean hannityrantcandace owensMar 11, 2021
Azealia Banks called out for ‘disgusting’ transphobic tirade azealia banksrantengagementfollowersinstagramazealia banksFeb 24, 2021
A Domino’s Pizza employee’s reaction over tips sparks privilege debate tiktokcustomerrantdomino's pizzapizzatiktokFeb 23, 2021
Mission Impossible crew members ‘quit’ after Tom Cruise’s rant mission: impossible 7recordingrantcoronavirustom cruisemission: impossible 7Dec 18, 2020
Trump Jr’s latest rant received brutal response from his ‘ex’ hunter bidenrantchinadonald trump jrhunter bidenDec 17, 2020
Ryan Reynolds’ mother posts expletive-laden rant about Chris Hemsworth ryan reynoldsrantchris hemsworthmarvelryan reynoldsDec 10, 2020
Nightclub responds brilliantly to a woman's racist rant nightliferantracismnightclubnightlifeDec 15, 2016
Trump drops major hint he'll run for third term - but there's one thing stopping him donald trumpuspresidentus presidentdonald trump6m1740154121
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Discovery where 'Moses parted Red Sea' could change what we know earthsciencered seamosesdeep seaseadiscoverydeath poolsbrine poolsgulf of aqabaearth4h
Emotional TikTok tributes flood in for the anglerfish and her last moments anglerfishtiktoktributestenerifeoceanfishtheoriestiktok trendanglerfishFeb 14, 2025
So, why was Elon Musk wielding a chainsaw on stage? elon muskcpacdonald trumprepublicanus politicspoliticsspacexteslaelon musk2h
Huge Cyberpunk 2077 sequel detail 'confirmed' in unlikeliest of places cyberpunk 2077video gamesgamesredditsocial medialinkedinjob adcyberpunk 20776m
I was a nail-biter for 25 years - this is what stopped me for good beautynailsmanicurehealthmental healthbeautyJan 30, 2025