Right-wingers accuse AOC of pretending to be handcuffed at abortion protest abortion rightsalexandria ocasio-cortezilhan omarsupreme courtabortion rightsJul 19, 2022
Ilhan Omar commends Marvel for creating first-ever Muslim superhero ilhan omarmarveldisney+ilhan omarMar 17, 2022
Video shows Lauren Boebert embellishing her Ilhan Omar ‘story’ ilhan omarlauren boebertilhan omarDec 08, 2021
Ilhan Omar condemns second video of Boebert calling her a ‘terrorist’ ilhan omarlauren boebertusilhan omarDec 01, 2021
Ilhan Omar slams Lauren Boebert for ‘made up anti-Muslim’ encounter lauren boebertrepublicancoloradoislamophobicilhan omarlauren boebertNov 26, 2021
Ilhan Omar calls out ‘shameful’ politicians receiving the vaccine ilhan omarcoronavirus vaccineilhan omarDec 22, 2020
Trump claims Biden will make Minnesota a 'refugee camp' in racist rant donald trumprefugeejoe bidenilhan omardonald trumpOct 01, 2020
Ilhan Omar’s response to Trump’s racist attack is perfect donald trump2020 electionracismilhan omardonald trumpSep 23, 2020
Republican tries to get Muslim congresswomen to retake their oaths rashida tlaibilhan omarrashida tlaibAug 19, 2020
Trump's press secretary slams Ilhan Omar after anti-police comments kayleigh mcenanyilhan omarkayleigh mcenanyJun 11, 2020
Ilhan Omar reveals she secretly got married in Instagram post tim mynettilhan omartim mynettMar 12, 2020
Trump Jr tweeted about Ilhan Omar's marriage and it backfired badly donald trump jrilhan omardonald trump jrSep 02, 2019
Ilhan Omar offers perfect response to Republicans trying to oust her alabamailhan omargoproy moorealabamaAug 28, 2019
Trump's latest attack on 'The Squad' enraged people online alexandria ocasio-cortezdonald trumpilhan omaralexandria ocasio-cortezAug 02, 2019
Trump refuses to say he’ll stop supporters chanting racist chants donald trumpilhan omardonald trumpAug 02, 2019
School board member said 'life would be complete' if Tlaib died latestilhan omarracismrashida tlaiblatestJul 26, 2019
Trump tells congresswomen to 'apologise to America' president trumpalexandria ocasio-cortezilhan omarayanna pressleyrashida tlaibpresident trumpJul 22, 2019
Mike Pence badly attempts to defend Trump’s racist chant comments donald trumpmike penceilhan omarlatestdonald trumpJul 22, 2019
This hero's welcome for Ilhan Omar will warm your heart donald trumpilhan omarracismlatestdonald trumpJul 19, 2019
Meghan McCain tries to claim that she is also a victim of Trump meghan mccainilhan omartrumplatestmeghan mccainJul 19, 2019
Trump told a blatant lie about his reaction to Ilhan Omar chants trumpilhan omarlatesttrumpJul 19, 2019
Trump supporters chanted ‘send her back’ about Ilhan Omar donald trumpilhan omarlatestdonald trumpJul 18, 2019
People who have been told to 'go home' share their experiences alexandria ocasio-cortezdonald trumpracismilhan omaralexandria ocasio-cortezJul 17, 2019
Tucker Carlson claims his comments about Ilhan Omar are not racist americailhan omarlatestamericaJul 13, 2019
Tucker Carlson condemned for saying Ilhan Omar is 'dangerous' latestfox newstucker carlsonilhan omarlatestJul 10, 2019
Congresswoman Omar dancing to Prince officially wins the internet americailhan omarprincelatestamericaJun 27, 2019
Ilhan Omar subjected to abuse after sharing her tribute to Notre Dame notre dameilhan omarlatestnotre dameApr 17, 2019
After 9/11, Trump boasted his building was the tallest 9/11donald trumpilhan omarlatest9/11Apr 13, 2019
Ilhan Omar falsely attacked for ‘not considering 9/11 a terrorist atta 9/11fox newsilhan omar9/11Apr 11, 2019
Ilhan Omar calls Trump adviser Stephen Miller a ‘white nationalist’ lateststephen millerracismilhan omarlatestApr 09, 2019
Laura Loomer spectacularly fails to doorstep Ilhan Omar jacob wohlilhan omarlaura loomerlatestjacob wohlMar 15, 2019
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Earth safe from 'city-destroying' asteroid but it could hit the Moon moonspaceasteroidmoonFeb 26, 2025
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I was a nail-biter for 25 years - this is what stopped me for good beautynailsmanicurehealthmental healthbeautyJan 30, 2025
Older AI chatbots show signs of cognitive decline, just like humans artificial intelligenceFeb 25, 2025