'David' takes over 'Karen' as the UK's biggest complainer karenukcomplaintscomplainttrustpilotresearchkarenSep 06, 2023
Here's why people are complaining about a Crown Paints advert advertcomplaintsadvertcrown paintsAug 16, 2022
A wave of 'sex mayhem' is sweeping New York as noise complaints rise new york citysexnoisecomplaintsnew york cityMar 01, 2022
Spotify shuts down customer support after flood of Rogan complaints spotifyjoe roganneil youngcomplaintsspotifyJan 28, 2022
Subway slams claims that tuna contains ‘cattle, pork and chicken DNA’ tunacomplaintslawsuitdnasubwaytunaNov 11, 2021
Mike Parry’s ‘minorities’ remark gets over 350 Ofcom complaints jeremy vinecomplaintsofcomchannel 5jeremy vineOct 06, 2021
Group demands schools stop exposing kids to ‘sexy’ pics of seahorses school childrencomplaintscurriculumschool childrenSep 24, 2021
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Twitter’s new design to be changed due to headache complaints twittercomplaintsheadachesdesignheadachetwitterAug 17, 2021
Piers Morgan takes new swipe at Meghan as he shares Ofcom complaints piers morganmeghan marklegood morning britainitvofcomcomplaintsbroadcasterpiers morganJul 10, 2021
London coffee shop under fire for ‘racist’ and ‘fat shaming’ jokes coffee shopcomplaintseast londonracistsignscoffee shopApr 30, 2021
People named Tracey and Colin are the biggest complainers in the UK colincomplaintsdatanameassociationcolinApr 30, 2021
Piers Morgan claims most people agree with his attacks on Meghan piers morganbritonscomplaintsofcomgood morning britainmeghan marklepiers morganMar 18, 2021
The most complained-about moments in British TV history, ranked piers morgancomplaintsmeghan marklereality tvofcompiers morganMar 13, 2021
6 recent controversies which Piers Morgan got away with piers morganmeghan marklealex beresfordtv presentercomplaintsofcomgood morning britainitvpiers morganMar 10, 2021
29 of the best reactions and memes to Piers Morgan quitting GMB piers morganmeghan markleapologycouplegood morning britainoprah winfreyitvofcomharrycomplaintspiers morganMar 10, 2021
Nine farcical things that have happened after just a month of Brexit european unioneuropecontrolbrexitcoronavirus pandemicboris johnsontradersukcomplaintseuropean unionJan 31, 2021
Trump's '51st state' comment mocked in 'legendary' Canada ad mark carneydonald trumpcanadamike myersnewsamericamark carney11h1742730152
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Donald Trump and Conor McGregor's White House meeting explained donald trumpconor mcgregoroval officewhite housedonald trumpMar 18, 2025
Donald Trump voter 'concerned' for wife after she was detained by ICE donald trumpimmigrationdeportationdonald trumpMar 20, 2025
I was a nail-biter for 25 years - this is what stopped me for good beautynailsmanicurehealthmental healthbeautyJan 30, 2025