Afghans stampede to airport after fake Turkey rumour circulates turkey syria earthquakeearthquakesyriaturkeyafghanistanafghanairportrumoursturkey syria earthquakeFeb 09, 2023
Specsavers had a brutal response to a Prince Harry 'lookalike' Prince Harryprince harrysparelookalikeDuke of Sussexduke of sussexmemoirafghanafghansAfghanistanafghanistanarmyArmymilitaryRoyalroyalsroyalroyal familyPrince HarryJan 16, 2023
Prince Harry should stand trial over Afghan killings, Taliban say prince harryharryharry and meghanRoyal familyroyal familyroyalsRoyalroyalDuke of SussexspareAfghanistanafghanistanafghanafghansafghanistan warArmyarmyMilitarymilitarymilitary servicetalibanprince harryJan 09, 2023
Veteran makes Afghan ‘buddy boxes’ to help refugees in UK schools pa readyselbyafghansfrancenorth yorkshireenglishgermanyarabicafghanpa readyNov 01, 2021
Afghan interpreter ‘happiest parent’ as son starts school in UK pa readykabultalibanafghanbritish armyenglishpa readyOct 14, 2021
Diplomat looks after fleeing Afghan girl’s myna bird and teaches him French pa readyparisunited arab emiratestwitterfrenchfranceafghanpa readyOct 06, 2021
Charity volunteer ‘moved’ as son meets Afghan refugee baby in UK pa readyafghanskabularcherbritish armywalestalibanafghanbridgendpa readySep 26, 2021
British and Afghan army officers reunited at Kabul airport in chance meeting pa readysandhurstministry of defencebritishwestminsterdaveafghansbritish armybristollondonafghanpa readySep 20, 2021
Public’s ‘positive’ response to Afghan refugees impresses UK charities pa readyeritreaafghanschristianwalsallel salvadorpeopleuk governmentcharitiestalibanenglishafghanpa readySep 01, 2021
Baby born on Afghan evacuation flight destined for Birmingham afghandubairaf brize nortonkuwaitevekabulbirminghamturkish airlinesenglishafghanAug 28, 2021
Boris’ visit to Afghan crisis centre reminds people of The Thick of It boris johnsondominic raabafghanistanafghanprime ministerforeign secretaryboris johnsonAug 28, 2021
Airbnb announces it will temporarily house 20,000 Afghan refugees airbnbtwitterafghanrefugeesairbnbAug 24, 2021
Afghan families thankful for donations from local community pa readyfacebookgovernmentjewishjalalabadtalibanliberal democratafghanhertfordshirepa readyAug 23, 2021
One CNN host had this to say about the US and Afghan refugees jim acostacnnsteve cortesrefugeesafghanstatue of libertyjim acostaAug 22, 2021
Peter Hitchens slammed for ‘comparing’ left wing Brits with Taliban peter hitchensafghantalibandaily mailbritspeter hitchensAug 22, 2021
Fundraiser brilliantly trolls people against taking in Afghan refugees refugeesmoneyafghanrefugeesAug 22, 2021
Angelina Jolie shares poignant letter she received from an Afghan girl angelina joliegirlafghaninstagramangelina jolieAug 21, 2021
Influencer hails ‘good’ in people after raising millions of dollars for Afghans pa readysocial mediaafghansinstagramindiacovidkabulnew yorktalibaninfluencerplanned parenthoodafghangofundmepa readyAug 20, 2021
Family believe Afghan who plunged to death from plane was their son afghankabulplanetalibanafghanAug 19, 2021
Raab refused to make phone call on holiday to help Afghan translators dominic raabmilitarysupportafghanbritishusdominic raabAug 19, 2021
Clip of baby passed across airport crowd spotlights Afghan desperation talibanafghanistanafghanusben wallacetalibanAug 19, 2021
Priti Patel’s Afghan refugee pledge sparks controversy priti patelhome secretarysky newsafghanrefugeespriti patelAug 18, 2021
Afghan filmmaker’s pleas for help go viral as she warns over Taliban ashraf ghanicontrolusfilmmakerafghanistantalibanafghanashraf ghaniAug 17, 2021
Video of Afghan girl breaks hearts as she says ‘no one cares about us’ afghanistantom tugendhatmasih alinejadtwitterboris johnsontalibanafghanafghanistanAug 15, 2021
Why was Musk playing with forks at a White House dinner? Elon Muskwhite housekaroline leavittdonald trumpautismasperger's syndromenewselon muskElon Musk3h1742725072
GTA 6 LIVE: Trailer 2 release date hiding in plain sight 'all along' gta 6rockstar gamesgrand theft autovideo gamesgamestake-twogta 6Mar 20, 20251742458049
Andrew Tate hits out at Ashley Walters over Adolescence in fiery post andrew tateandrew tatenetflixadolescencetelevisionMar 21, 2025
Donald Trump and Conor McGregor's White House meeting explained donald trumpconor mcgregoroval officewhite housedonald trumpMar 18, 2025
Donald Trump voter 'concerned' for wife after she was detained by ICE donald trumpimmigrationdeportationdonald trumpMar 20, 2025
I was a nail-biter for 25 years - this is what stopped me for good beautynailsmanicurehealthmental healthbeautyJan 30, 2025