A landlord has sparked a debate after charging evicted tenants to clean up his trashed apartment.
In a video of him dancing around a completely trashed room with rubbish on the floor and substances smeared across the walls, the landlord put text captions reading: "A resident decided to do this after an eviction.
"So ima use the most expensive cleaner in Indianapolis and charge them for it and if they don't pay up its their credit not mine.
"And they won't be able to get another apartment until their debt with us is paid off.
"So who really got the last laugh?"
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Responding to the TikTok video, some people didn't appear to sympathise with the landlord much.
"tiny violin," one person wrote.
"I will never feel bad for a landlord," another declared.
But others took his side.
"I am so sorry, I wish you all the justice!!!!" one person wrote.
Another wrote: "And that's exactly why I refuse to rent my house!"
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