
TikTok's viral marshmallow game explained

TikTok's viral marshmallow game explained
Silent walking is a new TikTok trend
Fox - 26 Houston / VideoElephant

There is always a new challenge on TikTok and the latest one is all about the "Marshmallow Game", where two people test their powers of endurance against each other.

People have been sharing their hilarious reactions to the challenge and the game has over 111.1m views collectively.

So how exactly do you play the game?

Well, the challenge is harder than it sounds and you need two or more people to play.

The three phrases that are used are 'marshmallow", "check it out" and "woo".


I SWEAR ITS HARDER THAN IT LOOKS #korean #siblings #marshmallowgame

It begins when person A says "one marshmallow" followed by the person B saying "check it out" and then person A says "woo".

After this, person B says "two marshmallow" and all three phrases now should then be repeated twice and so on for each round the number of times to say each phrase increases.

From some of the viral videos, people are playing the game to varying degrees of success.

"I SWEAR ITS HARDER THAN IT LOOKS" @haileyra said in her viral video playing the game.

Another person said: "I don’t understand this game at all."

"In my brain is so easy but its so hard," a third person added.

A fourth person commented: "This is so satisfying to my brain but I could never."

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